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Tenyo's Mystery China Box

Do you have any tricks like Tenyo's Mystery China Box?

The gimmick inside the case would be hard to design, I'd give it a go myself but I don't have the time at the moment.

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Sucahyo Sucahyo has reacted to this post.
Sucahyo Sucahyo

I recently sold mine—a fantastic Tenyo prop, impeccably crafted and highly deceptive. I recall stumbling upon a Japanese magic DIY video on YouTube featuring a cardboard version, but the outcome was underwhelming. Perhaps with 3D modeling, it could be significantly improved. Here's the link: YouTube - Japanese magic DIY

Sucahyo Sucahyo has reacted to this post.
Sucahyo Sucahyo

I have Sefalaljia box but much larger than this Tenyo.

Tell me what u think?


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I have been trying to figure out how to 3d print this one.  Does the original Tenyo have a slide like in the video?  The top of the box is very thin to have a locking mechanism.  I would like to know how the original mechanism worked.  Could the tubes be switched like in prison box?  Thanks for any help.